Friday, April 30, 2010

What Does it All Mean?

I used Animoto for my final video!
I love Animoto-- so much fun for free!

Create your own video slideshow at

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Memoir Prezi

My students are beginning the process of writing a memoir. This presentation will be a great introduction, but also a great way to break down each component as we start writing our own memoirs.

Here is my memoir prezi!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Emerging Technology #4: Prezi

I decided to work with Prezi for my last emerging technology and it was awesome! I was impressed with how easy it was to manuver through the process! It only took me a few minutes to put together a water cycle presentation.

My fourth graders would love working with a program like this. It makes presentations that much more innovative. We can still use powerpoint and movie maker, but Prezi takes the presentations to a new level.

It is my goal to have my students use Prezi before the end of this school year in order to show their famous Hoosier presentations. Students are usually dragging by this point in the year and Prezi will allow them some motivation. If they can get some good research about their different famous Hoosiers, Prezi will help them to create professional looking presentations.

I was very impressed!